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24th Conference for Local Elected Officials

Conference Details | Agenda

Innovative Solutions for Changing Communities

Elected officials from throughout California joined us in Yosemite for this popular and educational conference.  Local governments across the state are struggling to keep pace with the accelerating demographic, technological and environmental changes in their communities.

For the first time in history, more than half of the world’s population will be living in cities – and these more dense communities are becoming much more diverse. In California, Latinos recently became the largest ethnic group in the state.

Paired with the unique needs and preferences of our two largest age groups, Millennials and Baby Boomers, these changes are pushing communities to reconsider everything from public participation options to housing and transportation choices.

As our demographics have shifted, our climate has also changed. Communities are increasingly facing environmental and economic risks from extreme heat, drought, wildfires and flooding.

Individually and collectively, these changes are pressing local leaders to pursue new technology, new partnerships and new strategies for success. Communities that increase resiliency can buffer against future stresses and prosper in the 21st century.

This year’s Ahwahnee conference featured dynamic speakers and leading experts who discussed innovative solutions for increasing resiliency, dealing with racial equity, and implementing smart-growth strategies in a time of rapid change.  Additional details regarding session times and speakers are available on our agenda page.