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24th Annual Building Livable Communities Conference for Local Elected Officials – Agenda

Conference Details | Agenda

Conference Agenda

Thursday, March 19 (Tudor Lounge, Ahwahnee Hotel)
6:00 – 7:30 PM Conference Registration (Entrance to the Solarium in the Ahwahnee Hotel)
7:30 – 7:45 PM Conference Welcome
7:45 – 9:30 PM Closing the Racial Equity Gap: Lessons from Ron Sims
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High profile tragedies in Ferguson and communities across the nation have increased tensions and raised questions about racial equity within government institutions from the police force to the courts. Local policymakers play a critical role in ensuring that government works for all residents.We’ve invited former Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and King County Executive, Sims to discuss his nationally recognized work at the integration of environmental, social equity and public health policies that has produced groundbreaking progress on climate change, health care reform, affordable housing, mass transit, environmental protection, land use, and equity and social justice.

  • Ron Sims, civic volunteer active in health, education, environmental and social equity issues
9:30 PM Adjourn for the evening
Friday, March 20
8:00 – 9:00 AM Conference Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Equip Your Community for Racial Equity: Reorienting City Systems for Community Change (Cliff/Falls Room, Yosemite Lodge)
9:00 AM Opening Remarks
 9:15 AM Setting the Stage
  • Julie Nelson, Director of the Government Alliance for Race and Equity and a Senior Fellow at the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at the University of California, Berkeley
    Presentation PDF
9:45 AM Tangible Strategies for Institutionalizing Equity
  • Changing the Lights, Changing the System: Glenn Harris will talk about the City of Seattle’s Racial Equity Tool and how it’s been used to improve city services and racial equity. For example by moving from a complaint-based system to a predictive system the City is providing more efficient and equitable streetlight replacement and helping to reduce crime rates.
    • Glenn Harris, President, Center for Social Inclusion
      Presentation PDF
  • The People’s Budget- Participatory Budgeting: We’ll hear from the City of Vallejo about their historic step as the first U.S. city to launch citywide participatory budgeting. In September 2012, just over a year after emerging from bankruptcy, the city engaged nearly 4,000 Vallejo residents 16 and older, regardless of citizenship status, in voting for how to allocate $3.2 million in revenues from a new sales tax. Residents prioritized 12 projects, including community gardens, street lighting and road repairs, park improvements, youth and senior programs, and a cost-saving spay and neuter program. Community members recently voted on their priorities for the second round of participatory budgeting and the City Council has expressed its intention to continue for the life of the 10-year sales tax.
    • Marti Brown, Executive Director, North Franklin District and former Counclimember, City of Vallejo
      Presentation PDF
11:00 AM Policymakers Panel on Equity Challenges and Solutions
  • Supervisor Phil Serna, Sacramento County
  • Supervisor Leticia Perez, Kern County
  • Marti Brown, former Counclimember, City of Vallejo and Executive Director, North Franklin District
12:00 PM Roundtable Lunch Discussion (Boxed Lunch)
1:00 – 7:15 PM Break  (Resumes at 7:15 pm in the Tudor Lounge, Ahwahnee Hotel)
7:15 – 9:30 PM Innovation – Beyond the Rhetoric (Tudor Lounge, Ahwahnee Hotel)
Innovation officers from across the state will share real solutions for utilizing data and technology to make government more efficient, responsive and resilient.
  • Rick Cole, Deputy Mayor for Budget & Innovation at City of Los Angeles
    Presentation PDF
  • Lea Deesing, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Riverside
    Presentation PDF
  • Jeremy M. Goldberg, Director of Civic Innovation, Civic Consulting USA
9:30 PM Adjourn for the evening
Saturday, March 21 (Garden Terrace Room, Yosemite Lodge)
8:00 AM Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM Our Community Visions
9:30 – 10:45 AM The New Carbon Challenge: A Pathway to Carbon Neutral and Net Positive Communities
  • Councilmember Patrick Burt, City of Palo Alto
    Presentation PDF
  • Councilmember Michael DiVirgilio, City of Hermosa Beach
    Presentation PDF
  • Councilmember Lucas Frerichs, City of Davis
    Presentation PDF
10:45 – 11:00 AM Break
11:00 AM Data Driven Disruptions to Advance Community Visions
Rapid technological advancements, urban growth and shifting demographics are all making it extremely difficult to engage residents and meet public needs through traditional mechanisms. Technology can help to drive community driven solutions- utilizing local knowledge in new ways to meaningfully reconnect people to the built environment and sustainability goals. Speakers will discuss data-driven process improvements and initiatives to accelerate sustainable development, enhance economic prosperity and improve health while fostering a culture of innovation within the city government and the community at large. The panel will cover topics including: using predictive analytics to assess real (not stated) demand, tools and strategies to engage diverse audiences across the generational and cultural divide and ways to avoid process paralysis.
  • Mayor Christopher Cabaldon, City of West Sacramento
    Presentation PDF
  • Councilmember Steve Hansen, City of Sacramento
    Presentation PDF
  • Mayor Pro Tem Jon Harrison, City of Redlands
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12:15 PM Boxed Lunch and Hiking Break (Resumes at 4:15 pm in the Garden Terrace, Yosemite Lodge)
4:15 – 5:30 PM New Mobility: The Next Transportation Frontier
  • Pam O’Connor, Councilmember, City of Santa Monica

The Future of Transportation

  • Daniel Sperling, Founding Director, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis

Planning for New Mobility

  • Hasan Ikhrata, Executive Director of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), the largest metropolitan planning organization in the United States
    Presentation PDF
5:30 PM Reception
6:00 PM Dinner
6:45 PM America’s Grand Strategy Starts With Community Leadership
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This panel will discuss opportunities identified in “A National Strategic Narrative” a document co-authored by Mykleby that points to sustainability as the central foundation for a more prosperous and secure nation. The narrative calls for community leadership to advance walkability, smart-growth housing, regenerative and organic agriculture, and a productivity revolution focused on reducing resource intensity. The speakers will discuss the national imperative behind these community initiatives and strategies for public and private partnerships to advance America’s next Grand Strategy.

  • Joel Makower, Chairman and Executive Editor, GreenBiz Group Inc., award-winning writer, speaker, and strategist on corporate sustainability practices, clean technology, and green marketing
  • Mark “Puck” Mykleby, retired U.S. Marine Corps Col. and co-founder, Strategic Innovation Lab, Case Western University
    Presentation PDF
9:30 PM Adjourn for the evening
Sunday, March 22 (Tudor Lounge, Ahwahnee Hotel)
8:30 AM Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM Entering A New Era of Water Management
As California enters its 4th year of drought state and local governments are responding through regulatory and incentive based responses to increase community resilience and improve sustainable water management. This panel will address new requirements under the 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and comprehensive local solutions for protecting our precious water
  • Paula Landis, P.E., Chief, Division of Integrated Regional Management, California Department of Water Resources
    Presentation PDF
  • Celeste Cantu, General Manager, Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority
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  • Martha Davis, Executive Manager Policy Development, Inland Empire Utilities Agency
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10:30 AM Leadership in a Time of Change
  • California State Senator Bob Wieckowski, District 10
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11:15 AM Conference Wrap Up
11:30 AM Conference Adjourns