Tree Guidelines for Inland Empire Communities
Tree Guidelines for Inland Empire Communities
Only Available Online
Local Government Commission and the Western Center for Urban Forest Research and Education (USDA Forest Service) have teamed up to produce the Tree Guidelines for Inland Empire Communities. The comprehensive guidebook includes chapters on identifying the benefits and costs of urban forests and tree planting programs as well as general guidelines for siting and selecting both residential and street trees.
Its exhaustive tables list specific trees that are appropriate for Inland Empire communities. The guide also features helpful advice on designing and implementing tree programs and provides resources for technical assistance and funding opportunities.
You can also Download this Publication (PDF) for free. Appendices not included.
Author: E. Gregory McPherson, Qingfu Xiao, James R. Simpson, Dennis R. Pettinger, Paula J. Peper, and Donald R. Hodel
Published: January 2001
Pages: 92