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Day 1 Agenda

October 8, 2020


Day One of the Summit will lay a foundation for the event, highlighting needs uncovered while engaging marginalized groups in Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM). State leaders will open the day with reflections on IRWM and its connection to the Governor’s Water Resilience Portfolio. Department of Water Resources staff, IRWM practitioners, Tribal representatives, and community leaders will then highlight the strengths and challenges of the DACTI program, and offer their perspectives on priorities for the future of community engagement.

Start Time




8:30 AM
Morning Networking & Tech Check

Virtual Main Stage

9:00 AM
1. Summit Welcome

Anecita Agustinez, Department of Water Resources

Rich Haller, Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority

Wade Crowfoot, California Natural Resources Agency

Virtual Main Stage

9:25 AM
2. Opening Plenary

Laurel Firestone, State Water Resources Control Board

Virtual Main Stage

9:45 AM
10:00 AM
3. Panel: Lessons Learned from 10+ Years of IRWM Engagement

Moderated by Mike Antos, Stantec

Jennifer Hazard, Rural Community Assistance Corporation

Holly Alpert, Inyo-Mono IRWM Program

Javier Silva, California Indian Environmental Alliance

Virtual Main Stage

Day 1 Session 3 Information

What have we learned from 10+ years of dedicated state funding for marginalized community and Tribal engagement? Hear from long-time IRWM experts about their local experiences with Disadvantaged Communities and Tribal Involvement (DACTI) and what challenges remain for the future of regional water management.

10:45 AM
11:00 AM
4. Panel: The Future of IRWM in a Changing Climate

Moderated by Mark Stadler, San Diego County Water Agency

Martha Camacho-Rodriguez, Social Eco Education-Los Angeles

Carmel Brown and Anecita Agustinez, Department of Water Resources

Lynn Rodriguez, IRWM Roundtable of Regions

Virtual Main Stage

Day 1 Session 4 Information
The session will begin with a South LA local leader to share her perspective on the future of marginalized community involvement in water management in the face of the triple pandemic — climate change, COVID-19, and systemic racism. Department of Water Resources staff will build on these remarks and share findings from the IRWM Disadvantaged Communities and Tribal Involvement (DACTI) Needs Assessment and the Tribal Regional Water Management Proceedings (May 2020). Attendees will then learn more about the IRWM Roundtable of Regions, and where it’s Co-Chair sees the future of IRWM headed in light of a changing social, political, and environmental climate.
11:50 AM
12:05 PM
5. Small Group Strategizing

Breakout Groups

Cross-regional dialogue on priorities for Disadvantaged Community and Tribal Involvement

Day 1 Session 5 Information

In breakout groups, review DWR’s Statewide Needs Assessment findings and strategize how to address gaps in serving underrepresented communities and Tribes. Breakout groups will share their discussion highlights with the full plenary.

1:00 PM

End of Day 1