Tony Leonard has worked at the Local Government Commission (LGC) since 1996 and currently serves as Project Manager in the Community Planning Program. During his time at the LGC, Tony has worked on projects focusing on land use, transportation, waste management, and resource conservation issues. His experience includes the production and promotion of workshops and conferences and management of community planning projects.
Tony continues to manage public design charrettes and community image surveys—working in communities throughout California. His recent work focuses on developing community plans to address transportation, pedestrian safety, community design, bicycling and Safe Routes to School issues with outreach to lower income and minority communities. He has also managed various community design projects with tribal communities such as the Smith River Rancheria, Trinidad Rancheria, Pit River Tribe, Spokane Tribe of Indians, and Forest County Potawatomi Tribe.
Over the years, Tony has produced many successful workshops and conferences. From 2007-2016, Tony produced LGC’s annual Yosemite Conference for Local Elected Officials, which brought together local leaders from throughout California together with dynamic speakers to discuss cutting edge issues for building more livable communities.
In addition, Tony manages LGC’s information technology, developing various technical skills that have been employed in his other projects. These include website development, contact relationship management, and the use of online surveying, data gathering and engagement tools.
Mr. Leonard has a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning from the University of California, Davis.