SEEC Webinar 17 — California Energy and Climate Change Regulatory Update

The State of California has a number of ongoing regulatory processes that impact climate change and energy efforts at the state and local level. Attend this webinar to receive an update about the current status of the AB 32 Scoping Plan Update, the State Climate Adaptation Strategy and the CPUC 2015+ Planning Cycle. Learn how local governments may be impacted and how you can become more involved in these planning processes.

AB 32 Scoping Plan Update

The Air Resources Board (ARB) developed a Scoping Plan that describes California’s approach to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) to achieve the goal of reducing emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, in response to the passage of AB 32 in 2008. The ARB is in the process of updating the plan to include new strategies and recommendations as well as an update on California’s progress toward meeting these goals.

State Climate Adaptation Strategy

California’s Climate Adaptation Strategy, originally developed in 2009, summarizes climate impacts and recommends multi-sector strategies to respond to these risks. This document is now being updated to include advances in climate science and risk management options by the California Natural Resources Agency, in coordination with other state agencies.

CPUC Planning Cycle for post-2014 Energy Efficiency Program Plans

In early November, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) released an Order Instituting Rulemaking (OIR) which established a proceeding to fund current energy efficiency portfolios through 2015, implement energy efficiency “Rolling Portfolios,” and address various other issues related to energy efficiency.

A recording of the webinar is available. Due to technical difficulties, Athena Besa’s presentation was recorded separately and can also be viewed below. Individual presentation PDF’s are available on the agenda.


2:00 pm Webinar Logistics and Overview

Jenny Woods, Local Government Commission
Presentation (PDF)
2:05 pm AB 32 Scoping Plan UpdateDavid Mallory, California Air Resources Board
Presentation (PDF)
2:25 pm State Climate Adaptation StrategyAmber Pairis, California Natural Resources Agency
Presentation (PDF)
2:45 pm CPUC 2015+ Planning CycleAthena Besa, San Diego Gas and Electric
Presentation (PDF)
3:00 pm Ajourn