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SEEC Webinar 4 — Energy Upgrade California

Webinar—Energy Upgrade California

Energy Upgrade California™ is an unprecedented alliance among California counties, cities, non-profit organizations, government agencies, the state’s investor-owned utilities (Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas Company and San Diego Gas & Electric®), and publicly-owned utilities.

This is the fourth in a series of 15 webinars focused on helping local governments increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

This webinar featured speakers from the key players including local government, the California Public Utilities Commission, the state’s investor-owned utilities and the Statewide Energy Upgrade CA program.

A recording of the webinar is available (115 min.). Individual presentations are available on the agenda below.


2:00 pm Webinar Logistics and Overview – Kate Meis
2:10 pm Statewide EUC program

(Presentation, PDF)

Kate Meis, Local Government Commission
Brennen Jensen, Ecology Action
Annie Henderson, Renewable Funding
Mindy Craig, MIG
Christine Collopy, CEC

(Notes, PDF)

2:55 pm California Public Utilities Commission & Investor Owned Utilities

Cathy Fogel, CPUC

(Presentation, PDF)

Joanne Panchana, PG&E

(Presentation, PDF)

3:25 pm Local Government Program

(Presentation, PDF)

Melinda Barrett, LA County

3:45 pm QuestionsAdditional Panelists for Q&A:

Amri Christianto, SCE
Cynthia Swaim, SoCalGas
Nathan Bruner, SDG&E
Brian Gitt, Bevilacqua-Knight, Inc. (BKi)

4:00 pm Adjourn / Wrap Up

More on Energy Upgrade California:

Funding for this effort comes from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, also known as federal stimulus funds), California utility ratepayers, and private contributions. Energy upgrade rebates are administered by participating utilities.

The goals of this statewide effort are four-fold:

  1. Help residential and commercial consumers and the building industry become knowledgeable about the many energy and water efficiency programs and financing options that will be available during the next several years including the State Energy Programs, utility company home upgrade programs, local rebates, appliance and renewable energy rebates and energy financing programs.
  2. Provide a consistent and clear message regarding how consumers can choose the best energy-efficient measures and the right contractors to provide those services.
  3. Drive consumers and contractors to a central resource that provides educational information that links all the state energy efficiency upgrade, rebates, and incentive programs.
  4. Educate the building trades and home improvement industry on jobs, training, and required certifications.

More information on SEEC
The program is funded by California utility ratepayers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison, and Southern California Gas Company under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.