SEEC Forum Resources

Intro | Resources

Partner’s Meeting Agenda — October 13, 2010

Moderator: Kate Meis, Director of Climate Change & Energy Programs, Local Government Commission
1:30 pm Registration & Coffee
2:00 pm Welcome & Update from Utilities
• Frank Spasaro, Manager of Energy Efficiency Partnerships, San Diego Gas and
Electric / Southern California Gas Company
• Greg Haney, Manager, Local Government Partnerships, Southern California Edison
• Maril Pitcock, Manager, Customer Energy Efficiency Government Partnerships
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
2:30 pm CPUC Update
• Denise Tyrrell,Southern California Representative, California Public Utilities Commission
3:00 pm Discussion Groups — 2 rounds of 45 minutes each
• Group A: Codes and Standards
• Group B: Climate Action Planning
• Group C: Marketing, Education and Outreach
4:30 pm Partner Stories — Open Mic
5:00 pm Adjourn
5:00-6:30 pm Energy Champions Networking Reception
(Burbank-Hollywood Rooms)
12:00 pm Networking Lunch

Forum Agenda — October 14, 2010

Moderator: Patrick Stoner, Statewide Local Government Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator
7:45 am Registration
8:45 am Welcome
• Frank Spasaro, Manager of Energy Efficiency Partnerships, San Diego Gas and
Electric / Southern California Gas Company
9:15 am Transitioning to a Green Economy
Panama Bartholomy, Advisor to Commissioner Karen Douglas, California Energy Commission (Presentation, Flash)
• Energy Upgrade California
• AB 758 – Retrofit Programs
• ARRA funds
9:45 am Role of Local Governments in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Heather Fargo, Executive Director, Strategic Growth Council
10:15 am SEEC: Reducing Energy Use and Greenhouse Gases in Your Community
Moderator: Lynne Galal, Manager, Green Communities and Innovator Pilots, Pacific Gas and Electric
• Michael Schmitz, California Director, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA
• Lindsay Buckley, Program Coordinator, California Climate Action Network, Institute for Local Government (Presentation, PDF)
• Kate Meis, Director of Climate Change & Energy Programs, Local Government Commission (Presentation, PDF)
10:45 am Coffee Break
11:00 am Comprehensive Municipal Energy Projects
Comprehensive Funding
• Sam Ruark, Local Government Partnership Program Manager, Sonoma County (Presentation, PDF)
• Meredith Reynolds, Sustainability Coordinator, City of Long Beach
12:00 pm Networking Lunch
1:00 pm Green Building Policies and Programs
Moderator: Javier Mariscal, Southern California Edison (Presentation, PDF)
Reach Codes
• George Estrella, Chief Building Official, City of Santa Barbara
(Presentation, PDF)
• Alelia Parenteau, Energy Analyst, City of Santa Barbara
Green Building

• Bob Brown, Community Development Director, City of San Rafael (Presentation, PDF)
2:00 pm Coffee Break
2:15 pm Afternoon Sessions (breakouts)Climate Action Planning: Inventories, Targets, Plans, Policies & Tracking (Academy Two/Three)
Moderator: Michael Schmitz, California Director of ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA
• Timothy Burroughs, Climate Action Coordinator, City of Berkeley (Presentation, PDF)
• Brendan Reed, Environmental Resource Manager, Chula Vista (Presentation, PDF)Green Jobs Through Energy Efficiency Programs (Academy Five)
Moderator: Yvonne Hunter, Program Director, California Climate Action Network, Institute for Local Government
• Charlie Buck, Special Projects Associate, Association of Monterey Bay Area Governmenst (Presentation, PDF)
• Betony Jones, Managing Partner, Fourth Sector Strategies (Presentation, PDF)Putting Together a Residential Retrofit Program(Academy Six)
Moderator: Maril Pitcock, Manager, Government Partnerships, Pacific Gas & Electric (Presentation, PDF)
• Joseph Oldham, Sustainability Manager, City of Fresno (Presentation, PDF)
• Martin Alvarez, Redevelopment Manager, City of Palm Desert (Presentation, PDF)
3:45 pm Final Wrap Up (Main Ballroom)
Local Government Report Back
• Greg Haney, Manager, Local Government Partnerships, Southern California Edison
4:30 pm Adjourn

More information on SEEC
The program is funded by California utility ratepayers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison, and Southern California Gas Company under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.
