Livable Places Update is published monthly by LGC and provides information and resources on ways in which local governments are taking steps to make their communities more livable. Highlighted are the national trends seen to be currently emerging in community planning and design.
Livable Places Update Archive
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Livable Places Update
Passing on Parking
Reimagining Our Public Spaces
Cities Need to Accelerate Climate Leadership
Urban Greening and Cooling Strategies
Curbing Post-Pandemic Traffic
The Grand Adaptation Challenge: A Reason for Hope
Converging Crises Show the Need for Investment in Regional Resilience
Accelerating the Timeline for Climate Action
Prioritizing Investments to Rebuild a Transformative Future
Charging Into 2021
Finding Our Way around COVID: Transit and the Future of Resilient Communities
Wildfires and Watersheds in the Time of COVID
Driving to all-electric by 2035
Livable Places Update | Reimagining Our Streets in the Era of COVID-19
Keeping Sustainability Efforts Moving during the Pandemic
Benefits of Maintaining Telework Policies
Dining in an Era of COVID-19: Repurposing Public Spaces for Retail Re-opening
Rebuilding Better — Planning for a Climate Resilient COVID-19 Recovery
Disruption and Reinvention in the Time of Pandemic: Investing in a More Resilient Future
Re-envisioning Retail: The Commerce of Sustainable Communities
Budgeting for Climate Resilience
International Talks Underscore the Need for Local Leadership
Enhanced Economics through Integrated Planning: Connecting Water, Land and Forest Management
Amid the Power Shutoff: Planning for a Resilient Future with Microgrids
Building Decarbonization: A New Understanding of Clean Energy
Revisiting Single-Family Zoning: Creating Options for a More Affordable Housing Supply
America’s Dangerous Car Culture: Cities Reclaiming Public Places for People
Lessons Learned from the State’s first Groundwater Sustainability Plan
Equitable Mobility: Expanding Access to Shared Mobility Options
Microtransit: Right-sizing transportation to improve community mobility
Rebuilding after the Fires: Housing Lessons for All Communities
What to Do About Water: Resilience, Restoration, Reliability
The Move to Modular Housing: Cutting Costs to Advance Affordable Housing
Upstream Solutions to California’s Recycling Crisis
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Environmental and Economic Strategies for Resilient Forest Management
Facing our Housing and Water Challenges with Smart Planning
The View from the Summit: United for Climate Action
Climate Change is Heating Up Our Communities
Reimagining Our Public Spaces
Opportunity Zones: Unlocking Private Investment in Distressed Communities
Opportunity Funds, created in the federal tax bill (H.R. 1) signed into law in December 2017, could unlock private capital to facilitate economic growth in distressed areas.
Age-friendly Communities
Communities across the globe are already working to address the needs of their older residents and prepare for future generations by providing opportunities for all residents to stay connected and actively participate in their community.
New Frontiers on the Street: Managing Your Curb Space in a Time of Mobility Disruption
The spaces at the edge of our streets have evolved so rapidly with the arrival of new mobility and increased delivery needs that local land-use planners and regulators are struggling to create policies that keep pace.
Expanding Decarbonization: Electrification Isn’t Just for Transportation
As the focus on the need to address climate change grows, one major greenhouse gas emitter – natural gas – has largely flown under many people’s radar.
Local Governments and Positive Disruption: Leveraging the Sharing Economy for Sustainable Communities
The current state of America’s sharing economy is marked by increased tensions between new sharing companies and well-established business models. How local governments approach these economic disruptions will help shape the future of economic growth and how future business does business.
Resilient Infrastructure: Sustainable Responses to a Changing Climate
The major firestorms, hurricanes and mudslides of 2017 underscored the pervasive and growing urgency to improve resilience at the community level.
The Year in Review: Local Government Successes by the Numbers
California is leading the charge as an implementer, innovator and model – and members of the Local Government Commission are the tip of that spear.
Creating Firewise Communities in the Era of Climate Change
Local leaders, residents and businesses are grappling with a long list of unanswered questions about Northern CA’s deadliest and most costly wildfire.
Jobs and Automation: How will the Future Work?
The increasing feasibility of automation has created questions about the future of work and its potential for displacing workers.
Creating a utopia for self-driving cars? Start sharing the ride now!
Encouraging ridesharing and carsharing is a strategy that would address current conditions and lay the groundwork for a brighter autonomous-vehicle future.
Communicating Climate-Change Solutions: Positive Messages for the People
The Local Government Commission joins forces with Path to Positive Communities to inspire and empower local engagement on climate solutions.
The Decline of Retail: What Local Governments Can Do
The retail sector lost approximately 30,000 jobs in March alone, with thousands of store closings projected through 2017.
Spinning Our Wheels: Bolstering Bicycling in the U.S.
Many cities across the country are questioning how far we’ve really come to make bicycling a substantive mode of transportation.
Broadband for Better Communities
Broadband access is critical to community prosperity, but less than half of California’s rural population has the same Internet access as urban areas.
Vision Zero: A Vision for Safer Streets for All
The Centers for Disease Control recently indicated that our traffic death rate per capita is nearly double the average of other developed nations.
Driving the Next Decade: The Challenge to Put More Zero-Emission Cars on the Road
California has led the charge for electric vehicles with an ambitious strategy to put 1.5 million zero‐emission vehicles on the road by 2025.
A Message to the New Administration: The Economic Argument for Livable Communities
As the new administration takes office in Washington, sustainability leaders across the nation have been speculating about the potential impacts on their work.
Solving the Affordability Crisis: Practical Strategies to Build More Housing
California’s housing affordability crisis is not only costly for people renting or buying homes, it weakens California’s economy as a whole.
Smart Water, Smart Planning: Managing California’s Groundwater
It’s time land-use planning agencies work together and prepare a Groundwater Sustainability Plan ensuring local water and land-use decisions are aligned.
Equitable Adaptation: Climate Strategies for All
Cap-and-Trade Success Stories: Investing in Stronger Communities
Renewables in America: Lessons from Germany’s Energy Transition
Bikeshare and a Resurgence of the Bicycle
Whether commuting, running errands or just getting some exercise, bicycling is experiencing a resurgence in the United States.
The Internet of Things: Technology for Smart Cities
Rediscovering the California Dream: A 25-Year Reflection on the Ahwahnee Principles
This special Livable Places Update was adapted from Rick Cole’s keynote at this year’s Ahwahnee Conference for Local Elected Officials
Parking in a New Mobility Future: Getting More for Our Transportation Investments
Rapid innovation in the mobility sector could drastically reduce driving, the need for parking, and expanded roadways.
Small Space, Large Innovation: Accessory Homes
Tiny Homes a Small Step Toward Addressing America’s Homelessness Crisis
New Funding Strategies for Smart Growth: Finding Money for Your Community Improvements
An Appetite for Change: Local Solutions and Stronger Goals to Reduce Food Waste
California’s Fight Against Climate Change: Moving Forward Amid Setbacks
Emerging Climate Strategies: Leveraging Marketplace Momentum
“Banking” on Nature to Replenish Our Groundwater Supplies
Save Our Trees and Save Our Water Maintain Landscaping Investments and Conserve Water
Community Choice Aggregation Offers Local Governments Affordable, Locally Controlled Clean Power
Planning for Equity 2: Revitalization without Displacement Preventing Displacement, Investing in Affordable Communities
California’s Drought-Ridden Communities Look to Add Mulch, Remove Lawns
Soil as a Sponge To Reduce the Impacts of Drought: A Least Cost Water Conservation Opportunity
How Smart is Your City? Using New Technologies for Stronger Communities
Living Preview: Pilots for Enhanced Public Engagement
Volunteer service: Increasing local capacity now, shaping leaders for the future
Increasing Community Resilience: Promising Ideas and Potential Strategies from the California Adaptation Forum
The New Age of American Cities: Creating Age-Friendly Communities
Implementing Climate Change Strategies: Cap-and-Trade Funding For Local Solutions
SB 375 Mid-course Progress Review: From Vision to Implementation
Peer-to-Community: Making the Sharing Economy Work for Your City
Livable Places Update: March 2014
Livable Places Update: February 2014
Livable Places Update – January 2014
2013 Issues
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
2012 Issues
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2011 Issues
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2010 Issues | 2009 Issues | 2008 Issues | 2007 Issues | 2006 Issues
If you have news from your area that you would like to see included in future issues, please email it to Learn more about becoming a member of LGC.