Fact Sheet

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New Thinking for a New Transportation Age

This fact sheet (PDF, 1 MB) highlights five principles of the “New Transportation Age.” These principles derive from research and cutting-edge thinking…

Designing Safe Streets and Neighborhoods

Several local jurisdictions are striving to make pedestrians a priority by improving sidewalks, slowing traffic, making crosswalks more visible… the more typical…

Why People Don’t Walk and What City Planners Can Do About It

Many elements of conventional land use planning and design throw up barriers to walking. In many cases it’s unpleasant and dangerous to try to walk from work to a restaurant, or from home to school. Not only does this force a reliance on the automobile for routine daily travel, it denies residents and workers the important health benefits of regular walking. In this fact sheet (PDF, 2 MB) photographs tell the story of common barriers to walking, and how more pedestrian-oriented design and infrastructure can remove the barriers and create more livable communities.


Cultivating Community Gardens

Local government leaders are in a unique position to promote healthy eating and active living in their communities by supporting community gardens.
