Participation Tools For Better Community Planning

This guidebook provides an overview of public participation tools that can help communities plan for health-promoting land use and transportation, with a focus on lower-income, underserved communities, along with an examination of the value of resident involvement and the key principles for successful community planning. These tools are currently being used successfully in diverse communities throughout California and across the nation. The tools explored in the guidebook can be applied to a range of settings, such as community planning workshops and advisory committees.


Tools discussed include

  • Community Design Charrettes
  • Participatory Budgeting
  • Scenario Planning
  • Low-Cost Demonstrations and Transformations
  • Virtual Participation
  • Health Impacts Assessments
  • Participatory Mapping
  • Walkability Assessments
  • Focus Groups
  • Interactive Models and Tactile Tools
  • Photo Visioning
  • Visual Preference Survey™
  • Techniques for Effective Meetings and Popular Events
  • High-Visibility Outreach

Available Online: Download PDF

Authors: Dave Davis, Josh Meyer, Molly Wright and Paul Zykofsky
Published: November 2013 (second edition)
Pages: 50

