Compact Development for More Livable Communities: Focus on Livable Communities

When people hear the word “density,” they often think of barracks-style public housing projects, overcrowding or crime-ridden inner cities. While some of the high-density development of the last 40 years has reinforced these perceptions, well-designed compact development can actually help create more livable communities. This guidebook produced by LGC and published by the National Association of Realtors and fact sheet (PDF, 512 KB) illustrate the benefits of more compact housing and the importance of including a mix of land uses, open space, landscaping, good design, and providing amenities in compact development.

Compact Development for More Livable Communities PDF.

For more information, call the Local Government Commission at 916-448-1198, or 1-800-290-8202.

Other Resources

This project is funded by the Physical Activity and Health Initiative, California Department of Health Services under a Preventive Health Services Block Grant from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Work performed as part of a UC San Francisco contract.
