Action Plan For California Local Energy Programs

Action Plan For California Local Energy Programs


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Funded by the Hewlett Foundation


In 2000 and 2001 California was experiencing its second energy crisis in two decades. The Local Government Commission (LGC), in conjunction with the League of California Cities (League), California State Association of Counties (CSAC), Regional Council of Rural Counties (RCRC), and California Special Districts Association (CSDA), are looking to develop ways to help California local governments institutionalize their responses to the crisis in order to maintain their conservation efforts and to increase the amount of renewable energy generated in their communities.

The major state government entities dealing with energy, the California Energy Commission (CEC), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and the California Power and Conservation Financing Authority (CPA), strongly support local government as a delivery system for energy and environmental programs. State government and its agencies need local entities with the capacity to carry out the programs — they need trusted and viable entities to be’translators’ for facilitating the quick and efficient implementation of state programs.

Toward that end, LGC convened a series of working group sessions as a first step. The working groups were designed to help develop a sustainable and transferable local government energy program structure, and connect interested and capable local government program administrators with their state-level counterparts.

The results from those meetings are available in the Action Plan. Meeting notes are available in the Hewlett Report Appendix.

Author: Local Government Commission
Published: March 2003
Pages: 25
