Transitioning to Tomorrow’s Buildings – Unique Opportunities for Local Governments Pursuing Sustainable Building Goals in 2021 and Beyond

Transitioning to Tomorrow’s Buildings – Unique Opportunities for Local Governments Pursuing Sustainable Building Goals in 2021 and Beyond
Part 2 of the “Coping with Local Crises” Series

The question of what buildings should be in the future is not new. However, the paradigm-shifting shocks resulting from the COVID-19 crisis in 2020-2021 have created a unique window of opportunity for cities and counties to accelerate changes in buildings that can support healthier, happier occupants, a more sustainable environment, a thriving economy, and changing community needs. From underutilized offices to changing needs for physical space and reliable energy, it still isn’t clear what the “new normal” looks like now and whether our relationship with buildings is forever changed.

With due caution, this paper looks ahead to the future to try to understand what decisions local governments are grappling with as they consider what to do with both publicly and privately-owned buildings in the context of crisis recovery as well as stronger local, State, and federal commitments to climate change and equity. This report highlights how California’s buildings were affected by the COVID crisis and explores why 2021 is a chance for local governments to implement innovative and sustainable building solutions across sectors to meet current and future needs.

Written by Angela Hacker, Statewide Best Practices Coordinator for CCEC
