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Energy Efficiency 101: Resources to Get Started

CURRENTS Summer 2016

EJ Leaders | Building Technologies | 101 Resources | Energy Code Resource Favorites | Residential Savings Innovations
Green Leases | COP21 Video: Oakland and Richmond | CAEECC | Lessons from Germany

By Jordan Decker, Local Government Commission

At LGC, and through the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC), we hear from energy and sustainability leads in local governments far and wide that one of the most critical pieces of a successful, goal-achieving, cost-effective energy project is an energy champion. Having a champion on the inside of government that is well-informed of the many benefits of acting on energy efficiency and sustainability – and that knows the resources a local government can leverage (funding, state policies and requirements, technical assistance) – can be the person that helps unstop a project that has encountered an unsure supervisor, a confusing next step or a need for external funding.

We also hear that one of the most challenging things that can happen mid-project is loss of staff, through cutbacks, reassignment, or staff turnover. To help get new staff up to speed – and connect existing staff with new resources to plan and implement more and better projects, the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC) has developed some new Energy Efficiency 101 resources:

Get these resources and link to more on the Coordinator’s new Energy Efficiency Resources 101 page.

Building Capacity with CivicSpark

Know the value of an energy champion, but need additional staff capacity to make it happen? Check out the work being done by CivicSpark, a Governor’s Initiative AmeriCorps program dedicated to building capacity for local governments to address climate change and water management needs, in different regions in California – and consider applying to add a CivicSpark fellow to your team for the 2016-2017 service year.