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Communities, Climate Action, and New U.S. Leadership – New Ways to Keep Up to Date!

by California Climate and Energy Collaborative (CCEC)

For many of us working in communities, the last several years have amplified the importance of federal action on local climate action. The stark contrast in approaches to climate change recently ushered in with new U.S. leadership in the White House and in Congress has led to a dizzying amount of news and policies that has real world implications on community climate action. 

At LGC, we know that climate practitioners across the country working at the community-scale in local governments, tribes, and other aligned organizations were already working in high gear to actualize their climate goals amidst the crises of 2020 and more difficult budget conditions. With so much movement at the national level, our new California Climate and Energy Collaborative (CCEC) is working diligently to make it easier for you to keep up with news and opportunities as they present themselves during these rapidly changing times. 

National News

For example, we’ve been curating a temporary and simple webpage on key national news relevant to local energy and climate practitioners. This webpage provides weekly news highlights on relevant topics related to the White House transition, congressional action, and COVID response and recovery. Our wEEkly update provides a button to take you to the webpage to help you keep up to date on the latest national news. 

Upcoming Webinar: Communities, Climate Action, and New U.S. Leadership: A conversation with David Hayes, Special Assistant to President Biden for Climate Policy

In addition, LGC and CCEC are very pleased to report that we are collaborating with the Tribal Climate Health Project and the American Society of Adaptation Professionals to host an online conversation with David Hayes, Special Assistant to President Biden for Climate Policy. He has graciously agreed to take time to talk with community practitioners about how his team is rolling out climate plans. He will also discuss how tribal, local, and other community stakeholders can prepare for, influence, or support what is to come. Please register now to join our conversation as we consider ongoing ways to collaborate with the federal government on policy initiatives and best practices.  

David J. Hayes
Special Assistant to President Biden for Climate Policy
2021 STATEWIDE CLIMATE & ENERGY FORUM: Complete the Pre-Forum Survey by March 31!

This 10-minute survey is intended to get a better understanding of local government needs and interests to inform activities undertaken by the California Climate and Energy Collaborative (CCEC) and to help shape the 2021 CCEC Virtual Forum. We ask that you complete the survey by Wednesday, March 31st.

Finally, stay tuned for other resources being developed that will make it easier for you to track applicable funding opportunities for your agency. 

As always, if you have questions or ideas, please reach out to Angie Hacker, Statewide Best Practices Coordinator (California Climate and Energy Collaborative).