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Be Patient and Persevere

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At this year’s SEEC Forum, Dan Schoenholz, Deputy Director of Community Development, and Rachel DiFranco, Sustainability Manager, for the City of Fremont, gave a well-attended and well-reviewed presentation on the nuts and bolts of making sustainability projects happen.

Entitled “The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Municipal Sustainability Professionals” (a not-so-subtle riff on the famous Stephen Covey guide to personal and professional success), the talk had a dual purpose: to highlight Fremont’s many innovative sustainability programs, while at the same time reminding attendees that Fremont’s sustainability successes were not due to big budgets or high staffing levels, but rather resulted from some basic strategies that could be replicated in most local jurisdictions.

“We are like a lot of other cities in California in that we have a Council that is very supportive of sustainability efforts, but we don’t have a ton of resources available, so we have to be creative,” said Schoenholz.  He noted, however, that the policy framework established by the City Council—identifying sustainability as a key part of the City’s general plan vision statement in 2011, and adopting a Climate Action Plan in 2012 that called for emissions reductions of 25% from 2005 levels by 2020—was the foundation for future successes.

The presentation used four major sustainability projects in Fremont as case studies, including:

Using these projects as a springboard, Schoenholz and DiFranco identified “seven habits” that were essentially strategies for navigating sustainability projects through to completion (see the list of the “Seven Habits” at the end of the article.)

“We have seen a lot of our efforts coming to fruition in the past year or so,” said DiFranco.  “We wanted to offer ourselves as living proof that if you follow some basic strategies (like avoiding impacts to the general fund, taking advantage of opportunities that arise, leveraging internal and external champions, and above all, persevering) you can have a big impact.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Municipal Sustainability Professionals

1. Be Thrifty
2. Be Opportunistic
3. Leverage Internal Support
4. Show Courage
5. Do the Heavy Lifting
6. Market, Market, Market
7. Be Patient and Persevere