Maintaining Sustainability Staff: Considerations for Local Governments Managing Concurrent Crises
Part of the “Coping with Local Crises” Series
Local government decision-makers are grappling with extreme budgetary impacts and difficult spending decisions in the wake of a year of unprecedented crises. This paper, produced by the Local Government Commission through the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC), now known as the California Climate & Energy Collaborative (CCEC), offers insights into how local governments that maintain sustainability staff can more effectively improve financial conditions and build long-term economic, social, and environmental resilience.
Keeping California Cool with Local Actions for Climate Change
Did you know that 64% of California’s population is covered by a climate action plan (CAP)? According to research by Prof. Boswell at California Polytechnic State University, as of 2019, 181 California cities and 21 counties have CAPs, accounting for 63% of California’s total 2010 emissions!
As the lead agency for climate change programs and air pollution control efforts in California, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) supports local government CAP development and implementation through our toolkits, resources, funding, and research. CAP development and implementation is a key strategy for local governments to help California meet its long-term climate goals.
Communities, Climate Action, and New U.S. Leadership – New Ways to Keep Up to Date!
At LGC, we know that climate practitioners across the country working at the community-scale in local governments, tribes, and other aligned organizations were already working in high gear to actualize their climate goals amidst the crises of 2020 and more difficult budget conditions. With so much movement at the national level, our new California Climate and Energy Collaborative (CCEC) is working diligently to make it easier for you to keep up with news and opportunities as they present themselves during these rapidly changing times.
Take the Statewide Climate & Energy Pre-Forum Survey by March 31!
This 10-minute survey is intended to get a better understanding of local government needs and interests to inform activities undertaken by the California Climate and Energy Collaborative (CCEC) and to help shape the 2021 CCEC Virtual Forum. We ask that you complete the survey by Wednesday, March 31st.
COVID Reflections of BayREN
It is hard to believe that it has been over one year since California shut down to help curb what would become a deadly pandemic that would take the lives of well over 500,000 Americans. While there was certainly a lot of horror, there were also some “COVID silver linings”, good things that resulted from a very bad situation. As the BayREN program administrator, I share some of my silver linings.
Empower Procurement Local Government Survey – complete by April 12!
Empower Procurement provides organizations with access to strategic research and analysis, tailored to their specific needs and goals. Please take this survey so we can better understand local government procurement needs to inform the services we provide to local jurisdictions. To learn more about Empower Procurement visit www.empowerprocurement.com or sign up for updates.
WEBINAR SERIES: Benchmarking for Carbon-Conscious Purchasing
This webinar series brought to you by Energy Solutions and Prospect Silicon Valley will provide you with the knowledge and resources to assess and improve how your organization conducts benchmarking for sustainability outcomes. Benchmarking for carbon-conscious purchasing will focus on benchmarking as it relates to the procurement of DER products and services.
Local Government Commission Newsletters
Livable Places Update
CURRENTS Newsletter
CivicSpark™ Newsletter
LGC Newsletters
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Livable Places Update – April
April’s article: Microtransit: Right-Sizing Transportation to Improve Community Mobility
Currents: Spring 2019
Currents provides readers with current information on energy issues affecting local governments in California.
CivicSpark Newsletter – March
This monthly CivicSpark newsletter features updates on CivicSpark projects and highlights.