Site icon Local Government Commission

Oakland – New Funding Strategies to Fuel Smart Growth Successes

Friday, November 20 • 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Access to capital is often the top barrier to realizing a community’s vision. This workshop focuses on effective and innovative strategies for getting good projects in the ground.

8:30 AM Check-in and Coffee
9:00 AM Welcome
  • Abel Guillén, Councilmember, City of Oakland
  • Josh Meyer, Program Director, Local Government Commission
9:10 AM Funding Strategies: Where are We Now?
  • Menka Sethi, Director, Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc.
    Presentation PDF
9:45 AM Tools and Strategies for Innovative Approaches
  • Darin Dinsmore, Founder and CEO, Crowdbrite
    Presentation PDF
  • Libby Seifel, Founder and President, Seifel Consulting
    Presentation PDF
  • Jim Becker, CEO and President, Richmond Community Foundation
    Presentation PDF
  •  Joshua Genser, Board Chair, Richmond Community Foundation
    Presentation PDF
11:00 AM Group Discussion
11:40 AM Wrap-up
12:00 PM Ajourn


To access the newly released guidebook, Smart-Growth Money: New Funding Strategies for Community Improvements, visit

This workshop series is being funded by the California Endowment.