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Greening Communities in the San Joaquin Valley – Resources

Intro | Agenda


8:00 am  Registration & Coffee

8:30 am  Welcome and Overview

8:50 am  Know what Your City Trees are Capable of: Energy, Climate Adaptation, Air Quality and Urban Greening

9:30 am  Q&A

9:40 am  Green Infrastructure Planning and Design: Green Streets, Parking Lots and Other Public Places

10:25 am  Q&A

10:40 am  Break

10:50 am  Green Case Studies in the Valley

11:50 am  Q&A

12:20 pm  Lunch

1:00 pm  Lining Up Resources: Building Community, Political and Financial Support for Greening Programs

1:30 pm  Funding Opportunities for Urban Greening Efforts

2:30 pm  Small Table Breakouts: Meet with funders to discuss your ideas for proposals

3:30 pm  Adjourn