Energize Fresno is a partnership between the Local Government Commission, the City of Fresno, Fresno Metro Ministry, CALSTART, and Tierra Resource Consultants, funded by the California Energy Commission to accelerate the deployment of Advanced Energy Communities.
Our Team
The Local Government Commission
LGC works to build livable communities and local leadership by connecting leaders via innovative programs and network opportunities, advancing policies through participation at the local and state level, and implementing solutions as a technical assistance provider and advisor to local jurisdictions. With roots in California and a national reputation, LGC offers inspiration, information, and partnership for local and regional champions dedicated to building thriving communities that integrate civic engagement with environmental, social and economic priorities.
Website: www.lgc.org
Fresno Metro Ministry
Fresno Metro Ministry is a 501(c)3 community-benefit organization founded by churches moving out of downtown Fresno to address the social, economic, health and safety issues experienced by children and families that remained in our neglected and disinvested neighborhoods. Metro has evolved to become a multi-faith and multicultural organization dedicated to improving the health, environmental quality, economic development and overall resiliency of the San Joaquin Valley.
Website: www.fresnometmin.org
Tierra Resource Consultants
Tierra Resource Consultants, LLC (TRC) is a California based energy and natural resource consulting firm founded in 2013. Our founding staff have been at the leading edge of the energy efficiency, renewable energy and resource management industry for the last three decades. Simply stated, the goal of our company is to bring this depth of experience to each project and client in order to deliver best-in-class consulting services with each assignment.
Website: www.tierrarc.com
City of Fresno
The Sustainable Fresno Division’s mission is to translate Fresno’s environmental quality goals and many resource constraints into economic growth and development. Programs under this activity are focused on reducing energy and water use in existing homes and businesses.
CALSTART is a member-supported organization of more than 175 firms, fleets and agencies worldwide dedicated to supporting a growing high-tech, clean transportation industry that cleans the air, creates jobs, cuts imported oil and reduces global warming emissions. CALSTART provides services and consulting to spur advanced transportation technologies, fuels, systems and the companies that make them.
Website: www.calstart.org