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Design Sacramento for Health: Opportunities and Partnerships for a Healthier, More Livable Region

Intro | Agenda & Presentations

At this one-day workshop, participants learned about the connection between health and community design, why it matters, and what they can do to help make Sacramento a healthier and more vibrant region.  A diverse group of speakers, ranging from medical professionals to real estate developers, shared their perspectives and discussed emerging opportunities for partnership.

Opportunities and Partnerships for a Healthier, More Livable Region

Regular physical activity and healthy eating are essential aspects of a healthy life, but what if you aren’t able to find safe places to exercise, or if you spend hours driving because you can’t afford to live close to jobs and shopping, or if there are no healthy food options nearby?

The way we plan, design, and build our neighborhoods and streets has an impact on our health.  If communities are not designed with our basic human needs in mind, it can lead to a low quality of life and even contribute to an increased rate of serious diseases, such as diabetes and asthma.

What if things were different?  What if the healthy choice was the easy choice?  It is important to acknowledge and understand existing barriers, but the good news is that there are also examples of successful partnerships and emerging opportunities to embrace active living and healthy eating.

Everyone has a role to play in creating a healthy community, including our medical professionals, real estate developers, local policymakers, and neighbors.  Together, the Sacramento region can work together to address barriers and find solutions.

On The Agenda

View the agenda for more details on the event. Speaker presentations and recordings of the sessions are also available on the agenda.

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