Building Livable Communities: 2011 Ahwahnee Conference for Elected Officials – Agenda

Intro | Agenda


PDF files of all the PowerPoint presentations collected from speakers at the conference are posted on the conference agenda below. They are posted below the speaker’s name. If you do not see a PDF file for a particular speaker, they did not use PowerPoint.

Pre-Conference Session: Thursday, March 17  — Colonial Room, Ahwahnee Hotel

7:30 pm  Pre-Conference Session: An Evening with Two Key State Officials

  • Heather Fargo, Executive Director, Strategic Growth Council
  • Panama Bartholomy, Deputy Director, California Energy Commission
    Presentation (will open in a new window)

9:30pm  Adjourn for the evening

Conference: Friday, March 18  — Tudor Lounge, Ahwahnee Hotel

7:15 pm  Conference Welcome and Introductions

  • LGC Chair: Mayor Jean Quan, City of Oakland
  • Conference Host: Councilmember Jake Mackenzie, City of Rohnert Park

7:25 pm  Participant Introductions

8:00 pm  Issues Addressed at the First Ahwahnee Conference and Where They Stand Today — A Progress Report

  • Judy Corbett, Executive Director, Local Government Commission

8:20 pm  Impacts of the Ahwahnee Principles from the Local to the National Levels

  • Keynote Talk from Shelley Poticha, Director, Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

9:30 pm  Adjourn for the evening

Saturday, March 19Cliff/Falls Room, Yosemite Lodge

8:00 am  Continental Breakfast

8:45 am  Participants Address Implementing the Ahwahnee Principles (Continued)

9:15 am  What a Difference 20 Years Can Make: Testimonials from Those Who Were There

  • Moderator: Mayor Pro-Tem Beth Krom, City of Irvine
  • Heather Fargo, Former Mayor, City of Sacramento
  • Rick Cole, Former Mayor, City of Pasadena
    Presentation (PDF, 1.1 MB)
  • Judy Abdo, Former Mayor, City of Santa Monica
    Presentation (PDF, 5.9 MB)
  • Councilmember Walt Scherer, Town of Loomis
    Presentation (PDF, 1.8 MB)

11:00 am  Break

11:15 am  New Directions for the Future: Working as a Region

  • Moderator: Councilmember Jake Mackenzie, City of Rohnert Park
  • Addressing Climate Change Adaptation as a Region, the San Luis Obispo Experience
    Supervisor Jim Patterson, San Luis Obispo
    Presentation (PDF, 3.3 MB)
  • The Sacramento Region Takes On Sustainability: How, Why, and the Many Ways We’ve Benefitted
    Mayor Chris Cabaldon, West Sacramento (unable to attend)

12:15 pm  Boxed Lunch and Hiking Break

4:30 pm  Doing More with Less

  • Moderator: Councilmember Jon Harrison, City of Redlands
  • El Cerrito Engages Its Residents
    Councilmember Janet Abelson, City of El Cerrito
    Presentation (PDF)
  • Hercules Creates a Village Center On The Cheap
    Steve Lawton, Principal, Infill Economics
    Presentation (PDF, 6.7 MB)
  • Santa Cruz Helps Downtown Vitality While Accommodating the Innovators
    Mayor Ryan Coonerty, City of Santa Cruz
    Presentation (PDF)

5:30 pm  Reception

6:00 pm  Dinner

7:15 pm  The Ahwahnee Principles/Jobs/Economic Health: Making the Connections

  • Judy Corbett, Executive Director, Local Government Commission
    Presentation (PDF, 1 MB)

7:30 pm  Smart Growth in the Era of Less: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities

  • Peter Katz, Director, Smart Growth/Urban Planning, County of Sarasota
    Presentation (PDF, 22.2 MB)

8:00 pm  Ahwahnee Evolution: Urban Design Strategies Essential to Prosperity in the Current Era

  • Keynote Talk from Michael Freedman, Freedman Tung & Sasaki Urban Design
    Presentation (PDF, 18.4 MB)

9:30 pm  Adjourn for the evening

Sunday, March 20Tudor Lounge, Ahwahnee Hotel

8:30 am  Continental Breakfast

9:00 am  Preparing for the New Economy: What We Now Know

9:45 am  Growing the Economy and Balancing the Budget by Using the Money We Have More Efficiently: The Role of Energy Policy

  • Moderator: Michelle Prewitt, Manager, Energy Efficiency Program Contract, Local Government Partnership, Southern California Edison
  • Councilmember Pamela Bensoussan, City of Chula Vista
    Presentation (PDF)
  • Gary Wolff, P.E., Ph.D., Executive Director, StopWaste.Org, County of Alameda

10:45 am  California Resources Agency, Past and Present: A Discussion with Two Secretaries

  • Doug Wheeler, former Secretary under Pete Wilson (unable to attend)
  • John Laird, current Secretary under Jerry Brown

11:45 am  Conference Wrap Up
