Building Livable Communities: The 19th Annual Ahwahnee Conference for Local Elected Officials – Agenda

Intro | Agenda


Thursday, March 18  — Colonial Room, Ahwahnee Hotel

7:30 pm  Pre-Conference Session: Economic Health and Job Creation in the Green Economy

9:30pm  Adjourn for the evening

Friday, March 19  — Tudor Lounge, Ahwahnee Hotel

7:15 pm  Conference Welcome and Introductions

  • LGC Chair:  Councilmember Tom Butt, City of Richmond
  • Conference Host:  Councilmember Jake Mackenzie, City of Rohnert Park

7:25 pm  Participants Address Implementing the Ahwahnee Principles

8:15 pm  Energy, Economics and Mobility: What Potential Futures Can Our Cities Afford?

  • Jim Charlier, Charlier Associates, Inc.
    Presentation (PDF, 7.7 MB)

9:00 pm  Reintroducing the Ahwahnee Principles for Economic Development

  • Rick Cole, City Manager, City of Ventura
    Presentation (PDF, 816 KB)
    Video (MP4, 7.6 MB)

9:30 pm  Adjourn for the evening

Saturday, March 20Cliff/Falls Room, Yosemite Lodge

8:00 am  Continental Breakfast

8:45 am  Participants Address Implementing the Ahwahnee Principles (Continued)

9:15 am  Adapting to Climate Change

  • Andrew Altevogt, Senior Manager, Climate Programs, CalEPA – “Newly Published California State Adaptation Strategy”
    Presentation (PDF, 3.7 MB)
  • Mayor Tom Bates, City of Berkeley – “City of Berkeley’s Adaptation Plan”
    Presentation (PDF, 2 MB)

10:30 am  Break

10:45 am  Succeeding in a Green Economy: How to Achieve Multiple Objectives in a Single Stroke

  • Moderator: Eileen Fogarty, Planning & Community Development Director, City of Santa Monica
  • Rod Dole, Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector, Sonoma County – “Sonoma County’s On the Ground Efforts”
    Presentation (PDF, 944 KB)
  • Councilmember Linda Budge, Rancho Cordova and Sacramento Area Council of Governments Board Member – “SACOG’s Computer Technology Approach to Identifying Win/Win Solutions”
    Presentation (PDF, 4.3 MB)
  • Strategic Growth Council Member Bob Fisher – “State Efforts to Break Down Silos”

12:15 pm  Boxed Lunch and Hiking Break

4:30 pm  Downtown Redevelopment on a Shoestring

  • Kim Walesh, Chief Strategist, City of San Jose
  • Ken Kay, KenKay Associates
    Presentation (PDF, 3.5 MB)
    Video (PDF, 18.7 MB)

5:30 pm  Reception

6:00 pm  Dinner

7:15 pm  Evening Discussions: Economic Development in an Age of Resource Constraints

  • Moderator: Councilmember Jon Harrison, City of Redlands

       Diversity and Distribution of California’s Green Economy

  • Doug Henton, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Collaborative Economics
    Presentation (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Parting the Clouds of the Recession With Green Jobs

  • Rod Dole, Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector, Sonoma County
    Presentation (PDF, 844 KB)

ARRA Funds for Jobs and Green Development

  • Barbara Halsey, Executive Director, California Workforce Investment Board
    Presentation (PDF, 724 KB)

9:30 pm  Adjourn for the evening

Sunday, March 21Tudor Lounge, Ahwahnee Hotel

8:30 am  Continental Breakfast

9:00 am  Changing Forces, Changing City

  • Kim Walesh, Chief Strategist, City of San Jose
    Presentation (PDF, 1.7 MB)

10:00 am  Reducing Energy Use and Greenhouse Gases in Your Community

  • Moderator: Catherine Squire, Principal, Government Innovation and Sustainability, PG&E
  • Mike Schmitz, California Director, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability
    Presentation (PDF, 208 KB)
  • Yvonne Hunter, Program Director, California Climate Action Network and Communities for Healthy Kids, Institute for Local Government
    Presentation (PDF, 268 KB)
  • Kate Meis, Project Manager, Local Government Commission
    Presentation (PDF, 1.8 MB)

11:00 am  Energy and Local Economic Health

11:30 am  Conference Wrap Up

  • Councilmember Jake Mackenzie, City of Rohnert Park