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Affording Our Future: Strategies for Smart Growth in a Profit-Driven World

Intro | Agenda

Thursday, September 5, 2013 / 6:00 pm – 9:00pm
Fresno New Exhibit Hall / 700 ‘M’ Street, Fresno, CA


5:30 pm Registration and Find a Seat
6:00 pm Welcome
  • Laura Podolsky – Director of Healthy Communities, Local Government Commission
6:15 pm The Dollars and Sense of DevelopmentLearn more about how to measure the efficiency of development in producing the revenues cities need to deliver valued and critical services to residents.
7:15 pm Addressing Fiscal Impacts of Growth: Tools, Techniques, and StrategiesLearn more about how communities and regions in the San Joaquin Valley have used and developed tools to better evaluate the fiscal impacts of different growth scenarios and how their communities are using the results to make more informed decisions.Moderator: Mark Keppler – Executive Director of the Maddy Institute
  • Rob Terry, AICP – Senior Regional Planner, Fresno Council of Governments
    Presentation (PDF)
  • Steve Gunnells, AICP – Chief Economist, The Planning Center | DC & E
    Presentation (PDF)
  • Keith Bergthold – Assistant Director, Development and Resource Management Dept., City of Fresno
    Presentation (PDF)
8:15 pm Community Fiscal Health and Market RealitiesModerators: Laura Podolsky and Mark Keppler
8:45 pm Closing Remarks
9:00 pm Adjourn