*Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Grid

Article by Bob Riding
Intro by Joseph Oldham

wind and solarThe article “Net Zero and Me” is the last of a series of informative and amusing articles focused on issues related to sustainable resource use written by my friend and colleague, Bob Riding. “Net Zero and Me” is the journey of one family toward the goal of living a zero net energy (ZNE) lifestyle and spans several decades. Though the article was written a few years ago, it is very timely with today’s focus on new home construction and renovation of existing homes centered on the goal to creating structures that achieve zero net energy use.

Since 2011, the Riding family has continued their ZNE journey with the addition of an Fiat 500 EV all-electric car, upgraded windows, a new replacement advanced evaporative cooler, with plans to add more solar PV capacity, possible solar water heating, a cool roof, and a new more efficient single inverter to replace the three existing inverters for the solar array. Their initial landscaping choice of thirsty trees and expansive lawn continues to morph toward xeriscape, and with natives that are attractive, fragrant and in many cases edible! One aspect of the Riding’s experience is that, like many things, achieving zero net energy is as much about the journey as the destination. Changes in lifestyle, family size, aging of equipment, and replacement of old products with new, can all have significant impacts on whether a home achieves zero net energy use year after year. In fact, reaching zero net energy usage is really not a goal to be achieved and finished; but a pathway with continuous improvement and change in the life of the structure and the family that lives there.

So enjoy the article and I encourage you to consider starting down your own zero net energy path with your home and learn to stop worrying and love the Grid!

Download the article:

Net Zero and Me PDF

Author: Bob Riding
Pages: 18
