Design Sacramento for Health: Opportunities and Partnerships for a Healthier, More Livable Region – Agenda

Intro | Agenda & Presentations

Video recordings of the sessions are below

Hyatt Regency, Sacramento, CA – May 27, 2010
Host: Larry Robinson, Transportation and Land Use Coordinator, SMAQMD
8:30 Registration & Coffee
9:00 Welcome & Introductions

  • Host Larry Robinson, Transportation and Land Use Coordinator, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
9:10 The Connection Between Health and Development

  • Introductions: Paul Zykofsky, AICP, Associate Director, Local Government Commission
Why Health Professionals Care About Development

Understand the connection between the built environment and health from the medical professional’s perspective. Learn about recent related research and trends. Understand the components of a health community. Become inspired to help make change happen.

  • Richard Jackson MD, Professor & Chair, Environmental Health Services, University of California, Los Angeles
    Download Presentation (PDF 8.8 MB)
Why Developers Care About Health

Understand the connection between the built environment and health from the developer’s perspective. Learn about ways in which developers can address health issues. Become inspired to help make change happen.

  • Randall Lewis, Executive Vice President, Lewis Group of Companies
10:35 Coffee Break
10:45 Understanding Challenges and Solutions

(Panel)Learn about barriers to building health-supporting development. Learn how those barriers have been or can be overcome. Learn about different kinds of development projects, including infill, affordable/senior housing, and redevelopment. Learn how health equity is related to development.

12:15 Lunch
1:05 Helping Support Healthy Development

Learn how developers think about marketing and selling projects and how health-supporting aspects can be incorporated. Explore ways communities can evaluate and encourage health-supporting development.

  • Randy Sater, Senior Vice-President, Teichert Land Company and President, Stonebridge Properties, LLC
    Download Presentation (PDF 5.3 MB)
  • Jeremy Madsen, Executive Director, Greenbelt Alliance
    Download Presentation (PDF 1.8 MB)
2:25 Next Steps for the Region: Facilitated DiscussionLearn about current and upcoming opportunities for progress in the Sacramento region. Learn about the benefits and opportunities of working across sectors to address health and development issues.

  • Moderator: Bill Mueller, CEO and Managing Partner, Valley Vision
  • Christopher Cabaldon, Mayor, City of West Sacramento
  • Charlene Hauser, Resident Physician, UC Davis Medical Center, and Design Sacramento 4 Health committee member
  • Larry Greene, Air Pollution Control Officer and Executive Director, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
  • Paul Towers, State Director, Pesticide Watch Education Fund and South Sacramento Building Healthy Communities steering committee member
  • Randy Sater, Senior Vice-President, Teichert Land Company and President, Stonebridge Properties, LLC
4:00 Reflection on the Day

Considering statewide activity on healthy communities, share summary reactions to what was heard during symposium.

  • Daniel Weintraub, Editor,
4:15 Raffle and Closing

  • Larry Robinson, Transportation & Land Use Program Coordinator, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
4:30 Meeting Adjourned

