Building Energy and Water Efficiency Retrofit Learning Cohort

As a benefit to SEEC participants, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability will offer a Building Energy and Water Efficiency Retrofit Learning Cohort for up to 20 California local governments beginning in April – May 2019.  Cohort participants are invited to attend the SEEC Forum June 26-27 in Long Beach to share out the results of their participation in the cohort.  This could be an energy management strategy, a procurement of energy services, or other outcome identified by the participant.

During April and May, participating local governments will attend five virtual sessions during which they will create a plan to achieve sustainability and operational goals through resource efficient public building retrofits.

  • Session 1: Establish a plan to measure and achieve resource (energy and water) efficiency and or GHG emissions reduction goals across a portfolio of municipal government buildings
  • Session 2: Understand the elements of a robust system to track and manage building energy and water use and provide energy inputs to the Local Government Operations GHG inventory module of the SEEC ClearPath software
  • Session 3: Introduction to various methods to procure, finance, and manage building retrofits
  • Session 4: Lead by Example – model desired behaviors for the community’s private sector buildings, such as benchmarking and transparency
  • Session 5: Engage internal and external stakeholders

Suggested audience: Sustainability staff, Facilities managers, and Procurement officers.

Send an expression of interest to Angie Fyfe ( by January 31, 2019.


  • Name, Title, Contact information
  • Local Government represented
  • Preferred day of week and time of day to attend a 90 minute session