2016 SEEC Forum

7th Annual Statewide Energy Efficiency Forum

Taking a Holistic Approach Toward a Sustainable Future

Wednesday, June 15th – Thursday, June 16th • Riverside, CA

About the Forum

The Local Government Commission, in partnership with the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative, hosted the 7th Annual Statewide Energy Efficiency Forum from June 15th to June 16th in Riverside, CA, with pre-forum events taking place on June 14th. This forum, expanded to take place over 2 full days, was offered at no-cost to California local governments and featured updates from key state agencies, highlighted innovative local energy and climate change programs, offered capacity-building trainings, and provided several robust networking opportunities.

Forum Theme: Taking a Holistic Approach Toward a Sustainable Future

Taking a Holistic Approach Toward a Sustainable Future underscores the multi-dimensional, interconnected nature of energy efficiency within the greater climate action framework, and the need to take a systems approach to create a lasting impact in our communities. We highlighted this through the main plenary sessions by creating a vision for California’s future, illustrating current trends in local climate action, exploring environmental justice frameworks and strategies, and showcasing innovative practices and technologies to advance our shared vision. The breakout sessions also covered a wide range of topics and demonstrate the importance of integration to drive deeper energy savings and respond to climate change more effectively

The stated Vision for the California Long Term Energy Efficiency Plan read: “Energy efficiency, energy conservation, demand response, advanced metering, and distributed generation technologies are offered as elements of an integrated solution that supports energy and carbon reduction goals immediately, and eventually water and other resource conservation goals in the future” (CPUC 2011). The current narrow focus on a single product offering does not maximize energy savings nor minimize the costs of program delivery. A narrow, single-product approach also results in customer confusion by requiring the customer to seek out information on a wide array of different programs with multiple points of contact in order to acquire a basic understanding of the DSM options available and the various benefits they offer. Most energy users across all economic sectors do not have the time or expertise to seek this information; as a result, many opportunities to accomplish DSM actions are lost.

Forum Advisory Committee

In addition to our SEEC partners, we would like to extend special thanks to our advisory committee of local, regional and state government representatives, as well as others who have provided valuable guidance, for helping shape the forum program and format. We couldn’t have done it without you!

  • Jeremy Battis, Callifornia Public Utilities Commission
  • Howard Brewen, City of San Luis Obispo
  • Lindsay Buckley, California Air Resources Board
  • Courtney Kalashian, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization
  • Tyler Masters, Western Riverside Council of Governments
  • Michael McCormick, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research
  • Beckie Menten, MCE Clean Energy
  • Joseph Oldham, CalSTART
  • Alelia Parenteau, City of Santa Barbara
  • Barbara Spoonhour, Western Riverside Council of Governments
  • Liz Yager, County of Sonoma
  • Renée Yarmy, Port of San Diego

Forum History

The Local Government Commission has been hosting the annual Statewide Energy Efficiency Forum since 2010 to feature updates from key state agencies, highlight innovative local energy and climate change programs and resources, and provide opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Forum Organizer


The Local Government Commission (LGC) is a nationally recognized non-profit organization with a rich history of connecting leaders, advancing policies and implementing solutions for sustainable communities. For the last 35 years, the LGC has been at the forefront – identifying promising approaches and fostering persuasive models that can be replicated and used to inform public policy.

Forum Sponsor


The Statewide Energy Efficiency Forum is sponsored by the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC). SEEC provides support to cities and counties to help them reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and save energy. SEEC is an alliance between three statewide non-profit organizations (The Local Government Commission, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, USA, and the Institute for Local Government) and California’s four Investor-Owned Utilities.


For questions on conference logistics:
Khrystyna Platte
Phone: 916-448-1198 x306
Email: kplatte@lgc.org

For questions on the conference program:
Julia Kim
Phone: 916-448-1198 x304
Email: jkim@lgc.org
